The Prompt Pub A place where i do talk about my experience with prompting, and where to discover a bit about me!

Welcome to the Prompt Pub

Hello and welcome to my pub! I had a feeling I should have called this place “Puzzle”. So, as Barney would say, “People will think - Why Puzzle? - and that’s the puzzle!!”. Anyway… take a seat and grab a pint… ehm… a prompt!

Here, you will find posts about my experiences in prompt engineering and with LLMs and Generative AI that I’d like to share with you!

You will also find more info about me and my history, as well as videos of conferences and seminars that are publicly available!

So, drop what you’re doing, and join the merry mob. Before you know it, you’ll be in my Prompt Pub!

Tantum Partecipata Scientia Valet
